Alsager Company of Archers
© Alsager Company of Archers 2025

Photo Gallery 2019

February 3rd saw the Team Shoot at the annual Chester Indoor Tournament. The Club selects , based on current performance,

the Archers who will represent the Club. 2019 the club entered 1 Compound Team, 1 Barebow team and 3 Recurve teams.

Compound Team was Avril Bourke, Simon Dingle, Stefan Bond and Adam Hidderley. Barebow Team was Rob Cook, Tracy Shufflebottom, Peter Waring and Mike Wotton Recurve Teams… o Recurve A Team ….. Thomas Nairn, Andy Crump, Linda and John Coppenhall o Recurve B Team ….. Dennis Brown, Caroline Roche, Lana Williamson and Stephen Oliver o Recurve C Team ….. Carole Veale, Rob Green, John Sherwood and Rachel Garratt And awards won by the Club…… Recurve A team retained the Ship Victory Trophy for the highest unrewarded Cheshire Recurve Team - 4th overall Team Barebow Team won Silver o Individually…. Border Breweries Trophy won by Thomas Nairn for the Highest Senior Score (587 Portsmouth) Lana Williamson 2nd Junior Lady (514 Portsmouth) Simon Dingle 2nd Gent Compound (584 Portsmouth) Tracy Shufflebottom - 2nd Lady Barebow (376 Portsmouth) Rachel Garratt - Recurve Most Golds (Junior) Avril Bourke - Compound Most Golds (Lady) Congratualations to all who took part. Below are a few photos of our members at the shoot.

February - Chester Indoor Team Shoot

Full Results from 2019 Chester Indoor Team Shoot Full Results from 2019 Chester Indoor Team Shoot
Founded 1974