Alsager Company of Archers
© Alsager Company of Archers 2024

Photo Gallery 2018

Originally scheduled to for the end of July but due to very strong wind and heavy rain it was postponed. A 2nd attempt was

made later on in the Summer but also had to postponed (can’t remember why at the moment) anywauy, tried a 3rd attempt on

October 21st and with a promise of Bacon Baps from Dave Gratton this time we succeeded and managed to complete the

Tournament. Weather was pretty good and having Bacon / Sausage Baps was a great incentive, thanks to Mr Gratton.

Top Three places went to Caroline Roche 1st Place (in her 1st year), Peter Waring (not in 1st year) in 2nd Place and Rob

Green-Buckley (also in his 1st year) in 3rd place.

October 21st - 3rd attempt at the Club’s Annual Double American shoot

Founded 1974